cocktails to impress your friends…

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Tequila, Mezcal Katie Slonim Tequila, Mezcal Katie Slonim

Shamrock Splash

A bright, herbaceous twist on a highball, the Shamrock Splash is made with crisp cucumber juice, house-made sugar snap pea syrup, gin, fresh lime juice, and a splash of soda water.

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Rum Katie Slonim Rum Katie Slonim

the tradewinds

Cocktail #2 for the tiki class, this apricot and coconut tiki creation is garnished with spiced aromatic bitters for a sensory combination that is complex, yet goes down incredibly easy!

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Rum Katie Slonim Rum Katie Slonim

Dragon fruit mai tai

Featured in our tiki class, an stunning dragon fruit mai tai, that is everything you want in a classic Mai Tai, plus electric color!

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